General Cleaning & Hygiene

It quickly and efficiently cleans and brightens all washable surfaces without scratching and leaving residues, water spots and pellicle. It does not contain acid, amonia and alkali. It has a nice scent.

It replaces many cleaning materials thanks to its wide range of use. It is aunique, super concentrated product.

It can be used on any kind of floor. It provides excellent cleaning capability on any surface. It is antibacterial thanks toits alcohol based natüre. It vaporizes instantly and does not require rinsing. It particularly cleans granite surfaces without causing scratches and leaving any residue and water spot.

It can be used on any kind of floor. It provides excellent cleaning capability on any surface. It is antibacterial thanks toits alcohol based natüre. It vaporizes instantly and does not require rinsing. It particularly cleans granite surfaces without causing scratches and leaving any residue and water spot.

It can be used for cleaning glass surfaces, tables, chairs, computers and all surfaces where easy cleaning is possible.

It is used to polish and maintain all stainless stell surfaces like thoseof elevator doors, escalators, füme hoods and cooler doors. Thanks to the synergic composition of its content, it creates a persistent and shiny film layer on the surface. It is efficient on metal, aluminum and vinyl surfaces.

Carpet-Cleaner is an easy to use carpet cleaning shampoo having a structure different from others and providing high performance. It removes stains and dirt easily. It has antistatic properties. Economical since it is concentrate. Leaves a silky sheen due to the removal of stains and dirt easily. It is foamy.

Room air freshener leaves along – lived nice scent and freshness when used in indoor. It eliminates unwanted scents instantly and for a long time.